First of Spring Updates

Just wanted to post a quick update regarding some things going on. Note: This is a repost from Darwins original as the info is still pertinent!!!

  1. I have removed the “members” page from the WordPress site. Publishing a membership list is kind of a big no-no for security reasons in the connected world, so I deleted the page, which was dated anyhow.
  2. I updated the officers listing page. Since there’s no direct linkages to information other than names, that actually falls into valid public data, especially for the AMA/FAA
  3. I have set up a new e-mail discussion list on for LOFT. This is in response to the issues seen with GoogleGroups, which is being unsupported by Google here, shortly.

    An e-mail list is the best form of communication for hobby clubs like ours, and seems to be the best platform out there right now.

    I have set up a “Free” account which is limited to 100 members. If we have a need for the paid features of the group, then the minimum I would have to fork out monthly would be $20, so I would prefer to keep it free, if possible.
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